Wednesday 6 October 2010

Analysis of Interactive Video

Interactive video is a combination of computer and video technology e.g. virtual tours, film trailers, viral marketing and user generated material. It also allows you to watch and share movies online and even when you’re on the move, interactive media is everywhere nowadays. Interactive media has many different platforms. The internet is one of the most known common platforms. Everyday thousands of people download and send interactive video’s such as movies from the popular sites like Google, YouTube, Face book and Twitter. Television is a good interactive platform, for many people watch TV. It is a good feature for it provides good quality such as having great sound effect and clear images/picture. The mobile phone is also useful for interacting it has good devices such as Bluetooth, internet and photo DJ where you can edit many stuff i.e. photos. Another interactive platform is the DVD player for it has replaced VHS video and has better quality and is ideal for watching movies at home because the format is now digital. I-pods, Nintendo DS and PS3 are also another quick way of sending, downloading and sharing things to your friends and family e.g. Photos, music, and videos. For my course we have been looking at all the categories in interactive media which are: Film trailers, viral marketing, user generated material and virtual tours by using the internet to research about them.

Viral Marketing is known as advertising and marketing technique that spreads itself like a virus by getting passed on to friends, relatives and associates. Viral marketing can start very small and have the potential to grow to something bigger than it already is. For my research on viral marketing I had to evaluate 2 videos the first video was called: Test your awareness. This video clip is a short advertisement with a very important message behind it which is to remind people to watch out for cyclists on the road for many people don’t tend to. Its tests your ability by asking you questions about what is happening in the clip and to see how focused you are. I find this advertisement very effective for it will make people stop and think about cyclist and take extra care when they are driving or crossing the road. I believe making this video was a good idea for there will now hopefully be less road accidents for it helps everyone to be safe. The video clip is eye catching because it has bright clear colors and great sound which grabs your attention I personally believe this is persuasive and will stick in some people’s minds. I think that the message behind the video is effective but the video wasn’t. I think they could have improved the video by maybe using a scenario where there a road accident between a car and the cyclist occurred. I think this would shock people more and stay longer in their brains. When I watched it I found it very confusing because everything was happening so quickly if they slowed it down I think it would have informed the viewer more.

The second video I decided to select was John West Salmon ‘’Bear fight’’.This advertisement is less more serious then ‘’Test your awareness’’ therefore people will find it very hilarious and more exciting to watch. It is also unrealistic which makes the user watching the clip more interested. The video is basically about the bears in the forest having tasty salmon to eat but john west want it so the man starts fighting with the bear to take the salmon away. This advertisement is a good and clever way of promoting John West for people will remember the funny scenes and it will remind them of the food company. By making this short clip I believe that it will increase the customers/buyers and people who haven’t taste it before will want to try John West Salmon. The quality of the clip is very professional the images are outstanding and noticeable. I recognized that there was a few editing in the film e.g. ’’zooming in’’ and zooming out’’.The bear also has been edited to make it look more human then animal like. I think that the 1st video is more effective and important because it’s sharing a real life point however the 2nd video is more about promoting and making fun out of the whole video. I also think that John West persuaded their audience a bit more by including effective editing and humor. The similarity between both videos is that they are both trying to send a message to their audience but they both advertise it in different ways.

User generated material is found on the internet on websites like ‘’YouTube’ and occasionally other media sources. It is produced by the users of the website. User generated is different to Viral marketing for example viral marketing website is designed by a company which puts forth material produced by professionals, however, user generated is personal in most cases anyone can put material on the website even if you are not apart of a company. I searched to find 2 user generated videos the 1st one was called ‘’Don’t jealous me part 7’’. The video is a short home-made comedy of a Nigerian boy who films himself on his webcam. He makes jokes about people and talks about stories that have happened to him in a humorous way using silly phrases. When I watched this clip I found it hilarious but a bit different to other comedies. I believe some people may disagree for the jokes are quite immature and are mostly aimed at teens. The quality of the video clip was unproffessional.The images were not clear and was blurry at times this is because it was filmed on webcam. There is also no editing or music to keep the viewers entertained. The video’s purpose is to attract viewers and make a name for himself by making people watch all his comedy shows.

I also watched another video clip called ‘’Teach me how to jerk’’.It is a dance video that teaches all ages how to do one of the most popular dances out right now in the music industry. In the clip there are two professional dancers who guide you step by step with the dance routine. The name of the dance is called the ‘’Jerk’’ which was created by two young rappers in America who have an official music video for it. The quality of the video is more professional then ‘’Don’t jealous me’’.The images are much more clearer and the sound is great you can hear everything the three men are saying, which is good for the viewers because they will need to understand what is being said to be able to learn how to ‘’Jerk’’.The video would attract more viewers then ‘’Don’t jealous me’’ for there is signs of editing. They have used techniques such as zooming in and zooming out. They also used another technique where you quickly change a clip to another clip. There were also big fonts on the screen with bright colors. By editing the clip it helps the viewers to understand what is happening and get the best quality they need from the video. The purpose of the video is to teach people how to dance but also to have fun.

Film trailers are advertisements for feature films that will be showing at cinemas in the future. Trailers give you a quick preview of the movie; they usually pick the best clips in the movie to be shown for example a fighting scene. For my assignment I had to watch two film trailers of my choice and write down a little bit about them. The first film trailer was called ‘Snakes on the plane’ which is about a FBI agent who has been sent to Hawaii to solve a brutal murder however he also finds out that there are fierce snakes abroad who have been purposely put they and are attacking the whole plane. The clips in the trailer are very effective for they have fast moving images and they are clear which will attract the eyes of many people. The aim of this trailer is to tempt the viewers to watch the full movie. The trailer has used a lot of techniques to make the film look very action like and amusing such as: colorful fronts and quickly changing from one clip to another. The target audience for this film would be teenagers /adults for it has some scary scenes which are not suitable for young children. The trailer of Snakes on the plane enhances the experience for the user by making the clips look spooky, fun, daring and amusing.

The second trailer I decided to watch was ‘King Kong’ an amazing film directed by Peter Jackson. In the trailer there is very fast flashing scene from showing King Kong fighting other creatures and trying to save the woman he is in love with. The effects in the trailer are very interesting for they have used zooming in and zooming out to create tension. They have also used rotational fonts which spin and dissolve. I noticed that to keep the viewers attention they made every clip fade in to another to bring suspense and make the viewer want to watch what happens the next. The images are also more noticeable then the other film snake in the plane because they are bolder and nearer to the screen so we can capture everything that is happening or about to happen. The trailer has good sound quality which is very important to every movie it is not muffled but clear and understandable. I believe this trailer is better than ‘Snakes on the plane’ for it is more appealing for the viewers.

Virtual tours are a simulation of an existing location e.g. a museum or a cottage house it is usually composed of a sequence video images. They also may use other multimedia elements such as sound effects, music, narration and text etc.The1st virtual tour I watch was Stowlangtoft Estate-Steam cottage it qives you a tour around the cottage from the inside to the outside e.g. Garden, bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchen etc.The target audience for this virtual tour is adults, elderly and especially for people who want holiday breaks. I found this on the internet when I typed in ‘Virtual tours’ in Google. By this virtual tour being created it helps customers to compare the cottage with other apartments therefore it also gives you an idea of which apartment is best for the customer. The purpose of this video is to persuade the viewer to buy or rent the apartment by giving them a tour. In this video they have used edited certain parts to attract the viewer’s eye. The slow motion of the camera helps the viewer/customer to view the place properly. They have also used the ‘zooming’ technique for it helps you to get a reasonable idea of the space and quality of the actual house.

The second Virtual tour was St.James’ Anglican Church. This tour is a little bit different to the first one for you have to click parts of the church building to view the main features. The target audience is for everyone but especially Christians or people who are looking for a place to get married. This tour is useful and effective for it gives them an idea of place and if it is suitable. The purpose of this video make viewers attend the church (increase membership).The technical qualities of the video are the pictures they are visual which helps you to get an visual idea of the place.

For this assignment I have learnt the key platforms in media. I have also learned know how to review a film trailer. I have discovered new words such as viral marketing; user generated material etc.By researching on interactive media I have learnt about the importance of having clear sound in videos being created. By doing this assignment I realized that Media is a big industry and has so many things you can do from filming to creativity.

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