Wednesday 14 December 2011

Final E4 Ident Animation


For this unit we had to create a final animation which was a channel ident for E4 .I decided to design a animation which would come to real life by using the cut out animation technique, the name of my ident is called the " cloud of power". Creating this animation took a lot of time and patience which I think I dealt with effectively,there was a couple of times were I made mistakes and had to restart all over again.I think I managed time well but during the end  I did become a little impatient and rushed it.I could've improved it by taking a bit more time at the end.My role for this project varied I planned the story, cut out the pieces and captured the moment. I wanted to work independently and found this was a challenge but fun because I was free to do whatever i wanted.I was also happy with the end results which made me feel proud of the effort  put into my work.I feel that i followed the brief quite well and used my creativity and inspiration to produce my animation.The brief was about using your creative skills to make a channel ident and I did that.The area I don't think I did the best in was when I had to capture because you could see my shadow in the background which ruined the quality a bit. If I had a team member to help me they could've captured while I moving the objects.Next time i would work in a team so the job is made easier for me.I was very proud of the clouds which had E's raining out of them I thought i was the strongest bit of my animation and looked very effective.

Final E4 Ident

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Drawn animation

Drawn animation is made by drawing pictures step by step from every movement.This animation is very time consuming and you need to have patience when creating it.Out of all the animations I have done I would say drawn animation is the hardest for you need a lot of pages of drawings for just a 30 second to a minute animation.

When doing my drawn animation I found it a little hard to keep drawing every movement but when the drawings were completed it started to become more manageable however the end product is amazing.

Drawn animation is a good technique to use for instead of having to cut out pieces of images or using objects you can simply be more creative and draw what you want.The only frustrating part of drawn animation is the time you have to spare and the amount of pages you use for drawing.Overall drawn animation is very fun to create and allows you to be very imaginative.

Drawn animation is a little similar to the other animations i have done because you have to capture the movement step by step or it wouldn't look as good if you didn't useless you are trying to create an effect.

Tuesday 1 November 2011


This animation is created in a unique way by using time-lapse and i stop motion.The technique makes us see our everyday lives in a fast paced way from cities to natural landscapes. Koyaanisqatsi was directed by Godfrey Reggio in 1982.I had a good experience creating this animation for it allowed me to experiment on time lapsing and motion which i found fun.The only frustrating part was making sure that u had the right speed of capturing or it wouldn't look effective.Koyaanisqatsi animation quite similar to the other animations for they all need a capturing camera to produce such good work.The whole class produced this video by visiting locations on the college site to make this video effective.This was inspired  by the original  Koyaanisqatsi ( life out of balance).

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Pixilation Animation

Pixilation animation is made by using a human as a puppet.This very is different compare to the other animations.Using a human as a puppet animation makes the scene look more effective perform.Pixilation animation is produced by taking shots frame by frame of the human's movement. This makes the human being look like a living stop motion puppet.

My experience when creating this animation was really fun for it allowed me to be creative and free minded when directing the actor.I enjoyed taking the shots and seeing my work being progressed in to something great.

I did found it challenging at times when i had to make the shots accurate.I had to capture each movement which made it quite difficult.

I find pixilation very unique compare to the other animations because it's more advanced.With object and cut out animation they both had similiar outcomes but pixilation animation didn't.I enjoyed making pixilation animation better than the others for i felt like i was more imaginative.They are all made from photo shots but produce different unique things.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

My Cut Out Animation

Cut out animation is created by cutting out images from magazines and using them to create movement.You can also use cut out animation to tell a story with the images you have chosen.When producing cut out animation I found it easy to be imaginative and come up with a story from the images i had picked

.Lotte Reiniger was a German silhouette animator and film director in the early 19's.She was known for her amazing silhouette animation which was created by using cut outs and cardboard.After she made a series of animations, cut out animation began to be recognized more by many people.

I really enjoyed this project for it was fun and simple to create.I was very pleased with what i had produced when watching it.By adding sound to my animation it helped by making it more interesting to watch.

The frustrating part of this project was when i was trying take pictures because sometimes by an accident I would get my partners hand caught in the photo and have to retake the shot again.

Cut out animation is much easier to create than other animations for you don't need to spend as much time as others.As for pixilation animation needs more attention because you are using a human and turning it into an animated character, which can be tricky.I also think that cut out animation allows to you to be more creative and broaden your imagination.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

object animation

Object animation is a technique created by using objects such as keys,coins or any objects you have. To make this animation successful you need to take pictures of every movement you do which will after become a sequence where the objects look like they have come to life.

The good thing about object animation is that you don't have to make anything all you need is a few objects to make this technique.This also saves time and makes the job easier than other
animations where you have to take more time to think about what you are going to produce.
Even though object animation may be easy to create than other animations,it also has it's disadvantages too.With object animation it is very limited in terms of creating a feeling or expressions.It very basic and you can't be as imaginative as desired.

Object animation is a good technique for it uses objects to create amazing video clips this is interesting to watch because we are using objects almost as if they're humans and making them come to life.

When doing object animation,it can be a little stressful for you have to take many photo shots to make the object look like it's moving.This takes a lot of time and patience to make your animation successful.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Zoetrope is a device which is used to create an illusion of action. It was used in the 19th century to find ways to make pictures come to life. People would draw pictures on strips and place it in the zoetrope and spin it. The zoetrope has a cylinder shaped bowl which has slits around it. When you look into it the illusion is that the pictures are actually moving.

Persistence of visison refers to the phenomenon where the retina retains an picture for a spilt second after the image was actually seen.It lends itself to animation by adopting the illusion of motion when we look at images in closely timed sequence to one another.

The Zoetrope was invented by an inventor name William Horner in england 1834.William called it the " Daedalum" which means (the wheel of the devil).The zoetrope didnt become popular until the 1860's where it was patented by both makers in England and America.The American developer William F. Lincolin named his toy the "Zoetrope" which means ' wheel of life'.

Monday 13 June 2011


 I have chosen this picture because it is very eye catching.This picture shows the beauty of high fashion.I also like the image because of the fur it is so beautiful and stands out.I find this picture really bold and daring it tells us a story.Although it is a facial headshot theres is lot of tension happening in the models face which makes it a wonderful frame.

I have chosen this picture because it is really different.I like it because it is showing fashion in a creative way its not the usual picture you would see when advertising fashion but it is still beautiful in its own way.I also like it because of the pose and the emotion in the models face it has a mystery to it that leaves the viewer to find out.I also love the background scenery it not too much to take your attention off the main product which is the clothes.I like it because it is quite eerie and imaginative.