Wednesday 5 October 2011

Pixilation Animation

Pixilation animation is made by using a human as a puppet.This very is different compare to the other animations.Using a human as a puppet animation makes the scene look more effective perform.Pixilation animation is produced by taking shots frame by frame of the human's movement. This makes the human being look like a living stop motion puppet.

My experience when creating this animation was really fun for it allowed me to be creative and free minded when directing the actor.I enjoyed taking the shots and seeing my work being progressed in to something great.

I did found it challenging at times when i had to make the shots accurate.I had to capture each movement which made it quite difficult.

I find pixilation very unique compare to the other animations because it's more advanced.With object and cut out animation they both had similiar outcomes but pixilation animation didn't.I enjoyed making pixilation animation better than the others for i felt like i was more imaginative.They are all made from photo shots but produce different unique things.

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