Wednesday 14 December 2011

Final E4 Ident Animation


For this unit we had to create a final animation which was a channel ident for E4 .I decided to design a animation which would come to real life by using the cut out animation technique, the name of my ident is called the " cloud of power". Creating this animation took a lot of time and patience which I think I dealt with effectively,there was a couple of times were I made mistakes and had to restart all over again.I think I managed time well but during the end  I did become a little impatient and rushed it.I could've improved it by taking a bit more time at the end.My role for this project varied I planned the story, cut out the pieces and captured the moment. I wanted to work independently and found this was a challenge but fun because I was free to do whatever i wanted.I was also happy with the end results which made me feel proud of the effort  put into my work.I feel that i followed the brief quite well and used my creativity and inspiration to produce my animation.The brief was about using your creative skills to make a channel ident and I did that.The area I don't think I did the best in was when I had to capture because you could see my shadow in the background which ruined the quality a bit. If I had a team member to help me they could've captured while I moving the objects.Next time i would work in a team so the job is made easier for me.I was very proud of the clouds which had E's raining out of them I thought i was the strongest bit of my animation and looked very effective.


  1. i just noticed that the two e4's on the left hand side.. playing tennis. it didn't actually see the tennis ball.. so.. i think that the only thing that you need to improve is just to make the tennis ball more clearer.. and put it record it much more closer to the camera to cover the white background surrounded by the animation.


  2. Negative! :( - The only thing i have bad to say about this animation is that maybe the camera could have been a bit closer so that the white background wouldn't be so dominate in the final production.

    Positive! :) - The animation looked fun and friendly and, had the a look of an original E4 ident. I also like the final bit of the animation where the E4 logo is being blown into the middle of the screen, which is a different approach to what most idents would do.

    From Delwyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The good things about this cut out animation is unique and good fiction.

    The improvement need to do is the animation needs to be closer to the camera so that the viewers can see the animation much more clearer.


  4. the animation was creative and looked artistist i like the e4 rain drops.

    the improvment that needs to be done is that it should be less white background and more of the animation so it can be seen more clearly.

  5. Negative- the only negative i can say is that it could have been a tad longer. Looks like it took a lot of time with all the little pieces other then that it was good.

    Positive- i like that you have a title in the beginning and how you have all the E4's at the bottom playing
